Netters and co

By Netters

Amusing the baby

And watching television and sucking her thumb at the same time, it was that looooong period between dinner and bath when everyone is tired and grumpy, Jemima is transfixed with this light up spinny thing, Freya is transfixed by cbeebies.

Have been very busy again so blip gaps :(

I have had Charlie today, from quarter to eight this morning, not, to be honest my best time of the day and adding Charlie to the morning chaos was a bit risky, but it was fine, we made it to school on time .

Shopping tomorrow for my big girls 21st birthday which is next week, she has asked for a boob job, a tattoo, a pug puppy and a pink car , and thankfully has provided me with a more realistic list to accompany her pricey desires

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