The journey continues...

By Lbell

It's the weekend!!

I am so glad it's the weekend after this busy week of 5 hour Spanish classes and being at the orphanage after! Although I didn't go to Spanish class today because I think I'm getting the cold and I also expected my cards to arrive so was waiting around for them, but of course they didn't..useless post service!

It was Games Night today as the weekly VG night out. It's Andy's last night and Zach is also leaving soon so he gave out presents to everyone! He's so sweet and tends to spend a lot of unnecessary money like on the gifts for everyone, a second bin for the kitchen and he is always buying Alfajors (Argentine biscuits) although I can't complain about this as I am forever eating them! Zach got me a purse which is my new photo :) I couldn't believe he chose such a nice purse and am so chuffed with my present!

We all went to Jobs Bar tonight for Games night and it was so much fun. It had pool tables, table football, air hockey tables, darts and table tennis. There were even board games and things like Jenga! It's so weird to think that that was an early night for me and I got home at 2. Zach celebrated a bit too hard and returned home shortly after. He managed to be sick in 2 separate bathrooms and in the hallway. I have never heard someone make so much noise when throwing up! I think a good night was definitely had by all!

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