World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


I met up with a friend today. He used to go to my church but he doesn't come any more. It was sad though cause when I asked him why he stopped going he said that some people were saying some pretty nasty things to him, and he said some of them were my friends. That made me sad because at church we aren't meant to say horrid things to people that make them end up not going. But at least he is going somewhere else now. We had a good as catch up though! It's cool though because every time we see each other it's like we just saw each other the day before so the conversation flows really easily.

Halfway through my last week of uni this year! The year has gone by pretty fast! But am so keen for next year as well! Came home from uni and studied loads. Honestly think that tonight was the most study I have done all semester. Good thing I am able to cram for exams!

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