Family 6

By meganrose

Parents Evening

Today I went to 'stay and play' at Farrah's nursery. Her teacher said she is a delight and always does as she is asked. Clearly they have never asked her to do something she doesn't want to do...

Here they are in Rory's class. His teacher is also pretty pleased with him. He is in top set (Naturally...) and no worries or concerns. Everyone seems to know him in the school, I suspect his hair makes him memorable.

In other news I did my interview with BBC radio Lancashire today. I was terrified. The interview got cut short due to a bad connection, but hopefully I managed to slip the word 'Blipfoto' in plenty of times. I've not listened again. Yet. The Lancaster Guardian are meant to be calling tomorrow - I may be able to bring myself to read the article if they ever do one!


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