Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

The After Glow

I was determined to get a nice sunset shot tonight, although it didn't look very promising when I got home from work. The sky was pretty much clear at the time, in the west.

I decided to skip dinner and drive out to Sunset beach to see if things looked better out there. The sun was just going down, and there were just a few clouds in the sky. The tide was in too, which makes it harder to get the reflections I like so much.

Well, I got out of my car anyway, and after the sun went down, I was able to capture a little reflection and some pretty nice clouds in the distance. Not as great as the night before, which I missed, but at least it had some good color.

I think rain might be headed our way by Friday, so we have to enjoy the sunsets while we can.

Have a great night.

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