Holding Court

Reading week is coming along nicely. Not much reading getting done but there was a visit to the court with Rachel and some other Diploma buddies. It was very entertaining to watch. Rachel however went to the toilet at the wrong moment. A case came up which was someone, currently serving a sentence who was found to have a mobile phone in his possession. The argument from the defence was that the individual pled guilty but had already been punished by the prison with solitary confinement, therefore the judge should not impose any further punishment, on top of the fact the accused was not due for parole until 2016 due to a recent High Court case. Rachel had left when she found out it was a crime of concealing the mobile phone, and cam back in when the sheriff announced he would add 30 days to run with the current sentence of 8 yrs. Her face was a treat - she was under the impression the sheriff had just handed down an 8 yr sentence for a petty offence lol. Oh the confusion as we couldn't speak to explain lol. Brilliant.

After that we stupidly headed to the Museum to grab a coffee. Bad move, the school holidays dictated that it was heaving. Got a snap of the zen like budda...this is the mind set I want to achieve!

Afternoon was spent with CLP setting up her Halloween party, then dinner at her's shooting the shit again. We're great wingmates and she knows it!

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