Bump 34wks

Desperately wanted to get this blip up tonight rather than it be a backblip. They'd be mounting up otherwise. This took a lot of effort. Mainly because Ben was getting irritated that I kept flinging the blue wrap over his drums (the cushions) and I was getting irritated that he kept moving it out of the way just before the shutter went!! Wanted a bump blip today though.

Been a busy busy day today for the whole family. Ben included, if you count the amount he's been drumming today. He's been watching his Kodo drummers again. Obsessively. I'm a little wary of giving him his birthday present at the moment. It's a drumstick case, with several identical pairs of proper wooden junior-size drumsticks. I'm beginning to think we need to get him some proper skinned drums. He makeshift drums (generally toys, although I'm encouraging him to beat seven bells out of cushions at the moment) are slowly being destroyed and the electronic drumkit just isn't Kodo enough for him at the moment!

Steve's done a 36 hour awake shift waiting to get into the cinema building to tune up the speakers, finally got about 7 hours or so (between 3 and 10am!) to do any useful tuning! He's pleased with how they're sounding though. Then it was back to the hotel to freshen up and check out and get to the airport. He's finally on his way back to the UK now, lands 5.25am or so in the morning, and ought to be home or at least nearly home by the time Ben and I crawl out of bed for breakfast in the morning! I hope he has his house keys just in case we sleep in....

Ben and I have been shopping - first for emergency milk this morning as there was none for breakfast, then out for a present for a special girly (which I'm afraid Miss Katiemoo it will have to be posted to you tomorrow!) and to the supermarket to top up on party bag contents. Before we even considered going round the supermarket we decided that a pit stop in the cafe would be a good idea. Ben downed a whole hot chocolate. I had a very naughty teacake - I was starving after my tiny breakfast (2 slices of toast, which sent my blood sugars high as usual despite dosing properly). Of course by the time we'd done the shopping and got back to the car Ben was hopping so we had to race back inside to the toilets.

By the time we got home from the shops Ben was tired but not in the best mood so he had a couple of fitful half-hour naps while I Skyped Steve just before he boarded his flight to the UK. And then it was time to tidy and clean the kitchen table and the bench, make sure there were enough plates and bowls and cutlery and cups and beakers for 10 people, tidy up a bit, find the guitar that I'm still borrowing from a friend, dig out my music file, clean Ben's potty and get us out of the door.

Ben went to Hayleys - he did warn me that he would cry and he did so, but he was fine and even got some tea while he was there. I went off to band practice, and could barely remember what key each string on the guitar was - I'm quite grateful that this Sunday will be my last band date for a while, my brain just isn't up to it at the moment!! Going to miss playing bass for a while, but I will have a baby to play with instead :) I did laugh when I walked in. Our drummer (also called Ben!) said "Here she is! I recognise that face from the papers!" The Worthing Herald ran a piece on me about me reaching 500 blips (thankyou Ryan @ Blipcentral!!) but the lady I spoke to never told me WHEN it was going to be published (nor did she send me a proof!) so now I have to go asking around for a copy of the paper so I can see the thing!!!! It's a full double page spread as well, I can't wait to see it!

And then it was a case of rushing back to collect Ben, rushing home, parking two streets away because as usual there were no parking spots left outside the house, running back to the house, and letting people in for our monthly smallgroup meal!

What a rush. Ben entertained everybody during the meal by drumming. I ought to apologise to the neighbours really, 9 o'clock at night and he was still drumming this evening. Normally the drums are in "bed" by 8pm so this was a one-off, and they didn't come round to complain..... But still, it kept Ben occupied. He's got to know some more of our smallgroup as well. And they've got to know him a bit too!

Pots and pans and plates and everything all cleared away now, dishwasher stacked and on, washing up done, table wiped down, clean dry things away, leftover food and drink refrigerated. Laundry needs hanging out but I will do that on my way to bed.

Blip for yesterday done even though I can barely remember what happened yesterday except the camera battery died just after I took the picture so I gave up and didn't blip it until today when I'd charged the battery up again.

Today's blip nearly done. House tidy-ish for Steve's return. (He ought to be impressed with the clear kitchen table at least, that table is NEVER clear!!)

Boy asleep in his own bed, having helped Ben-bear (the teddy) and Baby (the rabbit) and the dinosaur get nappies changed and pyjamas on and to go to the toilet and clean their teeth (it helps, it really does. It means he's quite happy to do the same!) although he was still hyper when he got into bed so it took a while to get him off to sleep.

I am knackered!!!! But Steve's home in the morning so all will be good :)

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