Blades and bricks

A day on our own for me and LoJ for the first time this week and family duties took us on a grey, chilly day to Tunbridge Wells and back through Hailsham where I found a wonderful camera shop with staff who knew what they were talking about, especially a man who had a Pentax K-7 like mine! I was looking for a few small things but fell for a second-hand 30-70mm zoom from pre-digital days but, unlike my other old lenses, with automatic connections. This is one of the first photos I took with it, as the light faded from gloomy to dusk. I'm looking forward to trying it out in daylight, and with better weather forecast, tomorrow.

Today's the day that the new issue of Modern Poetry in Translation appears with my translation from Occitan of three of Max Rouquette's poems. I haven't seen the hard copy yet - it should be waiting for me when I get home - but I'm quite excited about it!

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