Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

So far inland?

Another ''Feast or famine day.''
Forty>>>------>Nine>>>------> 1. Which one? 2. Vague colour Vs monochrome.
The excess of Damsons plus a couple of pounds of sloes necessitated another trip to Lakeland© for 4 more Kilners©. Queue for nosh was indicated as a 48min wait. Stick that for a game of toy soldiers, we can probably get to Hayes and fed in 48 mins and the grub's not inferior.
Since Lakeland got a look in recently it had to be Hayes' turn.
There was everything from uncooperative Gerbils, through naked concrete wenches and purple berries to sprogs having fun with a little wooden train set.

Question. For them as can be bothered.
Take a trot over to Flickr© and tell me whether I should have used 1. or 2.?

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