With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Captain Mike, have you seen the boys?

We started with a walk round Cuber reservoir after a bit of a slow start thanks to me with a tiny headache and boy fettling and coffee needed, fish market purchases, four separate plans in my head.

We ate cold hotdogs half way round, whilst a black lamb with a white ended tail gambolled around, and then two pink lambs joined it. Some interesting sheep genetics on display anyway. Worried about the level of the water in the reservoirs. Scarily low. I continued driving along the mountain range and then down to Caimari. We called in briefly at the supermarket to get supplements for an evening paella. On the backroad there, we found this furniture store gimmick. A reminder of the chair at Hebs wedding and it had to be the blip. Never mind the mountains with chairs like these.

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