Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Johnny English

A realtive on Mrs W's side was in the London Underground during an air raid in the last war. A bomb fell very close, she was blown down the platform and all the fur on her fur coat was blown off. She was in a bit of a state and the rescuers took her to one side to give her a sit down and and a cup of tea.

Many years later during medical checks she was asked when she had her first heart attack!

So to our overseas friends, yes it is true, for the English, a cup of tea is the answer for just about anything including heart attacks.

We've just been to see the film Johnny English which made me think of this. It also give me the opportunity to blip one of these cups. We have a complete set. These are 1960's opalescent glass cups and saucers made by Arcopal (France). Not my cup of tea (boom boom).

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