just allan

By allan

Rush Hour

Pleasance looking to Belhaven and Tyninghame Bay. I sped home on the B6370 after a day of rushing from pillar to post.

I was in a rush this morning so despite remembering 3 times that I had to put my ebay-sold-thing in my bag for posting, I forgot it. So I spent the day cramming things in so that I could leave on the 1633 train, get to Dunbar at 1657, cycle home and get the thing, change clothes and bike and cycle (faster) back to Dunbar and make the 1730 closing time. Result.

Then I had a bit of time, so I rode up Spott Road and over to Wester Broomhouse. Taking the field track to Pleasance, I carried on to this point where the dark clouds were to the east as the last of the light went down behind Traprain to the west.

Then a very enjoyable 30mph on the B6370 down to Eweford despite the headwind :)

Back to school tomorrow and the Fireworks poster to finish off. Come one and all!

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