Capital adventures

By marchmont

25920000, 432000, 7200

seconds, minutes, hours = 300 days.

300 photos, 300 memories and 300 days of insights into other people's worlds. I never thought when I started that I'd be in contact with so many people around the world, seeing their photos, reading their stories, and of course, meeting some of them. It's been fantastic, if worryingly addictive. I enjoy the photos of places I know and have visited. I enjoy reading the stories of blippers who have moved to new countries - Australia, New Zealand, France. And I love seeing the technical proficiency of many blippers, to which I can aspire but probably never achieve.

I spent Day 300 in Register House, following up M's family tree - another addiction. This statue of George III used to stand under the cupola in the Adam Dome. Now it's been shunted off to the side but looks stunning when floodlit.

Thanks for all your support, and roll on 365!

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