
By Regine

Self portrait #2

Spend the day with my aunt and uncle, all three of us carrying a fancy camera... we so looked like tourists!
My aunt wanted to take pictures of old men with weathered faces, I was looking for a black and white cow to take pictures of and my uncle was just taking pictures of us, taking pictures :)

We went to Heusden, a very old and very pretty city near the Maas (river), on my request. I have been keeping myself busy lately with visiting places from my past (childhood and more recent). Think it has something to do with one of my sisters being pregnant :)

It was great to be back in Heusden after 15-20 years (scary numbers...), I recognised some scenes from the family photo's :)

When we were done taking pretty pictures my uncle drove us around in the neighbourhood of Heusden and showed us the house where my mom was born, the house my granddad used to live, the church my grandparents got married and a lot of other farms and houses where my relatives used to live. It was great :)

Today's blip was made at a square in Heusden, I got the idea while eating a pancake (a Dutch one). I noticed these really big, shiny stones on the square and I remembered a self portrait a friend made of himself in a Christmas bauble (I do hope this is the right translation... it sounds a little weird to me....).

I had fun making this picture, my aunt and uncle made pictures of me making this blip (hope they will send me one, so I can post it somewhere). Edit: this is me taking the picture :).

The spots in the picture are from the stone, I think I like the effect :)

All in all, it was an amazing day! Thanks J&L!!

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