World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


Went to town today for the victory parade for winning the World Cup!
Was so busy in town! From where we were standing the streets were packed, I heard on the news that over 200,000 people turned up to see the All Blacks. Everyone was wearing rugby jerseys, and most of them were for the All Blacks. Decided to wear my Irish jersey though. Even though they got out awhile ago, decided to support them because they are my second team. They played well through out the tournament, and beat Australia which I am still super happy about!

Was so much fun when the All Blacks finally turned up, everyone was cheering and clapping for them. My throat and hands hurt from so much screaming and clapping, but it was fully worth it! In the next week Auckland will stop being as busy and will die down, it is going to feel so weird, it has been busy for the past 7 weeks, now it will empty out. I'm going to miss all the excitement of rugby and the random foreigners that you make friends with, it has been so much fun!

From where we were standing I couldn't really get a good photo of the All Blacks when they drove past because I was surrounded by tall people and we weren't as close as we would have liked. Managed to get this one of Ma'a Nonu though! He played so well! Super proud of our boys though! I am pretty sure that the winning of the cup made the whole country breathe a sigh of relief. deserved the cup! Especially since we were unbeatable throughout the whole tournament!

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