The Wren

By TheWren


There was a fair bit of rain last night and at the start of our morning walk we came across some very muddy puddles. The two boys were well clad with wellies and immediately jumped in the biggest. This blip is taken of the puddle and you should just be able to see the two boys reflected in it. It looks a bit dark on the camera so I hope it can be seen here as I thought it was rather fun.

The dogs had a wonderful time with the two little boys running around with them. My daughter carried the one year old in a backpack and he was delighted as he could see everyone about him. We saw lots of acorns on the ground and Ben found a couple of snails in the muddy path. There were holly bushes throughout the wood and many were still laden with bright red berries.

In the afternoon we chilled at home for a while and Lewis, the one year old, had great fun practising his walking between us. He is very quick at crawling and is only just starting to show an interest in being upright. Later the older boys taught me how to play their floor sized snakes and ladders. Great fun. The boys' day finished with a display of thunder and lightening with torrential rain!

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