
By hoodedpigwoman

Let Battle Commence...

James is playing Warhammer with Colin tonight.

This is as close as you get to an 'action shot', insofar as Colin actually touched one of the pieces. Most of the time they seem to be looking up the rules. I went in after about half an hour and James hadn't even had his turn yet.

And he wonders why he can't get me interested in playing; I prefer my games a bit faster-moving, and for me to win, obviously. He did put Alexander to bed by reading the rule book to him. It would send me to sleep as well, but I think James's plans are for Alexander to be worthier opponent than me...

It's absurdly hot still. Despite me apparently, finally, vanquishing Scottish Power yesterday, I am still so paranoid about paying for heating I've turned it down four times in the last two days. And yet we had to strip off Alexander this evening because there was steam in his room. Could I have been too enthusiastic in my insulating???

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