Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Another Mug Shot...

*Boom! Boom!* ;)

Pretty busy day today, had a 12-1 lecture, then met Caroline for lunch, after which we met Becca from class, and headed to the useless careers fair that was on. Once we'd had a look around, Becca came to my house, we spent a good part of the afternoon pricing a possible return trip to New York for next June... We then had dinner and chatted for a bit before Rachel came, and we headed off for a pub quiz, it was great fun! We came second last, but it was a good laugh.

I'm not long home, and getting ready for bed, then I realised I hadn't blipped, unfortunately this was the only photo I took today, another of my mug while we watched The Glee Project...

Night Blippers. :)


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