world outside your window

By thewanderlust


well, i do love blip. but i don't love when i don't have time to look much at other journals; and i come to the end of the day and for a few days now have thought, 'oh rubbish, i haven't taken a single photo today.'

cue the: "argh what can i blip today M??!"

so, here we have it, dinner finished and the parmesan lying on the table. now, i know this makes your eyes go squinty with it's out of focus nature, but i fully blame this on M whisking this away to clear up while i was still faffing trying to take a photo. ... if mama wanderlust is reading this, she'll be thinking: "typical daughter!". (i did cook dinner mama; it wasn't all faff ;) ).

so another day of chores. but i also have a meeting on monday with a potential employer. we shall see!! if it's successful, i may not get any hanging out in bondi time.... boo..... but it's good too. more on that another day.

oh, and, i love, love, love cheeeeese.

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