my crazy world

By crazyworld

back with a bang.......

sorry sorry sorry for being away for so long... I have missed you and am back now... just felt that I had nothing really to contribute and had lost my blip mojo and weirdly enough I sent a close friend a text yesterday to say my life was boring and did people really want to read my boring life....

and here we have today.....

someone was definitely watching over us today... where do I start... I was off to visit ..........for a few days break.... how excited we all were... my plan was to leave at 9... and hey ho we did..... we had a great journey for the first two hours.... I sent a text saying there was little traffic and we would be on time... two excited kids in the back....

then it all went pear shaped.... I entered the m25 and a lorry decided to collide with me.... spun me round twice and we ended up facing the wrong direction.... E was screaming in the front seat... I was actually quite calm... I was terrified of hitting the central reservation... but just held onto the wheel for my life ..... the whole thing went in slow motion.....

we were very very lucky.... no other cars were involved... we walked out of the car... with one of our lives gone but very god damn lucky.... a very surreal moment and definitely the scariest moment of my life without a doubt....

I then called to say we had had an accident ... I cant say I remember much of the call to be honest.... my car was taken onto the hard shoulder by people that had stopped .... I had stopped the whole flow of traffic on the m25... I certainly dont do things by halves... my first accident ever...

we were collected by Sam and the journey home was surreal... a lot of tears from me... I couldnt believe that I had walked away from this .... who was watching over me I have no idea but someone was...

a lot of flashbacks tonight... I doubt I will sleep... but I am in the home of some gorgeous friends who have made me feel so at home..

thank you Sam. for everything today... I cant thank you enough for all you have done for me E and N .... we have had a gorgeous night with your lovely family and you have all taken my mind off today and I owe you so much for that... I cant ever repay you .... thanks just isnt enough to you all......

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