Capital adventures

By marchmont

Mylo's Place

It was a beautiful day, a fantastic, sunny morning. I didn't go swimming but leapt out of bed at 8 when the roofers arrived, swiftly followed by T and J. The plans had been changed - not just the kitchen roof but also the front room cornice. So a quick dash around taking things off things - my flat now looks like Cocky Hunter's and this is just the start. Things can only get ....worse.

But I escaped, off on a #11 to Newhaven, where after getting slightly lost, I met up with Mylo in Porto and Fi. After coffee, a scone and chat I met the real star, the real Mylo and we had a great walk around the much blipped Newhaven harbour. It was such a beautiful day, could have been France. But we decided it is less lovely in the wind and the haar.

Mylo dropped me outside the pre-loved handbag shop but I resisted, I resisted the Radleys and only bought a belt. Back to the New Town to peruse tiles. I know what I want but not sure if I can get it.

Got home to the mayhem. I hate chaos. If only I had a garage or a loft. Oh, I do have a loft but almost impossible to get things into it.

So now I'm losing things. I'll never find which box they are in. My life will come to a crashing halt, lost in a box! But not before Monday as I have to make a flying visit to the Big Smoke - down on the train, back on the plane - all for an hour!

Unfortunately Dotty has had to call off tomorrow's Turkish extravaganza. We'll meet again, menawhil i do tiles or the blue and yellow one.

Must dash - the choir AGM beckons and I think I'm going on't Committee!

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