Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

And if I hit the Lotto

I'm a sucker for any medium that shows the love and respect for talent that is exhibited here. Every time a florish is added to a building it increases the cost and returns no practical value. Therefore, only someone who could afford (and also loved) the show of the woodworker's gifts would be able to put up this type of hommage to himself.
I am grateful to those in the past; both those who could design and put together these buildings and those who paid to have it done. The patchwork of our lives is richer because they left behind these minature piramids. We can walk by them each day and not even glance in their direction but, thanks to those who work to keep them properly maintained, they stand proudly displaying the glory of their creators! .

PS The only plastic in this picture is the rockers on the pourch.

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