Joyful Reaper

By Joyful

Vantage Point

This is the swing on our pourch. From here I have watched much of my life's parade.
I've sat here as the darkness of the day's end gathered 'round.
I've been motionless here as the people walking by never looked up or knew I heard bits of their conversations.
I've done chair dances to lively music on the radio.
I've rocked and comforted myself out of sorrows.
I've sat in my robe with a cup of hot coffie and watched the sun come up.
I've spent hours here talking to friends and loved ones.
I've turned children into giggling masses of smiles and snorts swinging up to the top.
I've watched storms swirl clouds in the sky and rain on the pavements till the mcaddam could no longer hold the flood.
I've seen rainbows that could almost make you cry.
I've missed the people who will never sit here again--and I do cry.

But I know there are chair dances still to come.

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