Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Space Hamster

One of the advantages of getting up so early is that Laura is still enjoying her evening for the first hour or so of my day (hamsters are nocturnal, and spend most of the daytime asleep). Since she was up and about when we got home last night I installed a few of the bits and pieces I'd got for her in her cage.

This morning I spent about an hour at "rodent playtime", playing with both Laura and the boys (not together, I hasten to add - for while Charlie and Moses would probably be very happy to accept Laura, she's a naturally solitary creature, and would be stressed out by having other animals in her space).

I couldn't resist getting her a little space rocket hideout, and she seems to like it very much - it was apparently a very good place for a little snack, and I do think she looks rather adorable in it!

As it started to get light, the rodents all went to bed and I went for a little snooze on the sofa - tiredness after yesterday and a monster headache having overtaken me somewhat. I'm now up and about again though, and am finally returning to the washing pile and the jobs list. I thought I might as well blip fairly early as I already had the picture, and my plans for the rest of the day just consist of jobs, jobs and more jobs. If anything spectacular happens I'll report back tomorrow.

Oh, and I finally backblipped yesterday - it was quite a busy day!

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