Jack James

By JackJames

Bruntsfield at night

What looked like it would be a long day turned out to be not so bad at all. Thought I would be in 9 to 5, but got home about 3 thanks to my tutorial covering things I'd done in another course.
After my first lecture (all about volcanoes, how exciting), I had an hour to kill and do some work for tutorial. Spent about half of it on a fruitless hunt to find a computer at the library, then gave up and went to the Geography building. Only just got one there as well. Jasmine, who I was with, had to kneel because hers didn't have a chair, until a lecturer took pity and gave her his!

Back to another lecture about the Amazon. The lecturer told us to watch a BBC4 documentary on it to prepare us for a tutorial where we have to discuss the Amazon. Went home and watched it, he pretty much stars in it... nice one. Would have been less cringey if he'd told us so I could mentally prepare. As Tom put it, he might as well have said "I'm a pretty big Geography deal".
Went to see the new film by Woody Allen this eve - missed it at the nice cinema so had to see it at the Odeon. Have to say that Owen Wilson normally annoys me, but quite like him in this.

This is an awful photo because I suck and missed Jimmy and Lucus letting fireworks off.

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