Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Having the Wisdom Not To Care

Buddhism has four truths that can be roughly stated (cough):

1) Living means suffering.
2) Suffering is caused by attachment (the wanting or desire of something).
3) Suffering is avoidable.
4) To avoid suffering, avoid attachment (wanting stuff).

This is a advertising hoarding on Princes Street proclaiming the impending arrival of a new shop!

This shop offers you what you want!

- To be young!
- To be beautiful!
- To be able to buy lots of stuff!

This lady passing by seems to have the wisdom not to be bothered by it.

I wonder if she is a little bit Buddhist?

PS. Snapped this while picking up the prints from Boots of Jim and Phyllis from yesterday's blip. I hope they like them.

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