Mike's area

By mikeprice

The plumbers are in

Very impressed with the builders response today. I had a leak yesterday (see blip) so rang the builders head office at 9 a.m.. They said they would send someone round so I put the kettle on to have a cuppa while I waited. just got as far as switching it on when the doorbell rang!!

The blip is of the big hole they had to cut in the front bedroon fllor to work out where the leak was. Fortunatlyit turned out to be just the drain from the wask basin the the en-suite (posh eh!!) which was cracked - actually completly broken - the plumbers blamed the plasters but I rekon that was because the plasters were somewhere else at the time.

Anyway - it was all fixed by lunchtime and the site manager even got the carpet fitters back in to make sure the carpets were re-stretched properly!!

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