my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Friday (I'm In Love)


Horrible night's sleep due to crappy back and having a wardrobe falling on me on Wednesday.

Woke up at 5.30am to my phone unexpectedly playing a tune at top volume - Geek Love. No idea why. It's never done that before. Good job it was a class tune.

Work, then back in time for the guys from Emmaus Mossley

to drop my Tall boy and cupboard off.

I love my cupboard / thingy - it goes really well with my other bits. Not to everyone's taste...or anyone's apart from me! but I see a weird beauty in my 60's and 70's furniture.

Once it arrived I *knew* it needed old books so I headed to the mill and picked some up. I already owned quite a lot of lovely old 'smelling' <mmmmmm> books. My Alice in Wonderland is celebrating it' 100th birthday this year!

So old books on the top and my contemporary fav's on the bottom.

God, I love it. Really love it.


Oh, Roses bought by me. For me.

Interesting conversation on Twitter tonight. Can you be concise in 140 characters and get over what you mean? YOU CAN.

"It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book"Friedrich Nietzsche

Good night ladies and *fella*


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