
By middleman


Contrary to popular opinion, the big match down south today wasn't Chelsea v Arsenal but for the real quality you had to dip down a division to the Championhip. To the City Ground, Nottingham to be precise.

Our godson and family live in Nottingham. He goes with his dad to watch Forest on occasions and today it was the turn of the Mighty Tigers (that's Hull City) to be the visitors. Now that, for those of you unware of such things, is a quality team. For dogged determination married to variable talent and woeful lack of silverware you'll find none finer. They are in short My Team Of Choice (I do come from there, so actually choice has very little to do with it).

Anway, We (Hull) are riding high at the moment and They (Forest) are diving low, so a 1-0 victory to us should have come as no real surprise to anyone. I'm happy, but obviously feel a little for my godson. He's 14, a great lad and we do love him very much but that team of his, well, I might need to have a few words ... ;-)

To finish, a dedication - he's a big fan of a certain band. I've not really kept up with their soaring career to be honest, but I do like that first album. Especially this one.

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