The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Fall Back

I have to admit to not being entirely unhappy that Winter is on its way. I like those crisp days when the sun is low in the sky, the fact that you can see for miles without the hindrance of all that foliage as long as it's not too misty, that there are new birds to see as the winter visitors arrive, and many more come into the garden to feed as it becomes harder to survive in the countryside. I like wrapping up warm then coming home to mulled wine or hot soup. But most of all, I like the fact that without Winter there would be no Spring, Summer or Autumn. I just can't imagine how dull it would be to live in a country where the weather was pretty much the same all year round.
I used to hate the clocks going back - it's bad enough that the days are shorter without taking away an hour at the end of the day, and tagging onto the start of the day where it's no bloody good to anyone. However, time of day is a construct, and now I'm a lady of leisure, I can organise my day as I like. I can't make the day any longer than it is, but I can organise my time however I like, so the going back of the clocks shouldn't mean a great deal to me.
Today, I've cleaned and refilled the bird feeders in eager anticipation of the increasing numbers of small feathered guests and done a few other household jobs. I've been to the supermarket this evening and this half-unleaved tree illuminated by the floodlights and casting its shadow on the wall seemed to sum up the time of year perfectly.
It was this, or another fox or badger pic from the trail cam in the early hours, and I like to blip a bit of variety! Besides, a friend has been casting aspersions on the badger's waistline and I don't want to embarrass him any further.

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