Flip 'n' Peas

It's that day again - the day where I'm in Perth for the morning at Gymfest with my girl and then dash back to be at the side of a football pitch to watch my boy in the next round of the Scottish Cup. My girl did very well and a tuck which was sublime, and my boy was doing well until he got injured and his mother had to run home and get the peas and arnica. He is nursing a stoating egg on his cheek just under his eye, it should blacken up nicely for the team photo tomorrow. They won, so that helps.

Last year I tried shooting the gymnasts and found everything blurred. This year I put all my new found knowledge into practice and it is still blurred. That said, the lighting has improved, and I did so enjoy playing around with the camera before hand trying to get the exposure and white balance right. I wasn't frustrated by my knowledge of the camera, more it's slowness and grainy quality - but that is more about the camera than my use of it - unless you know different?

My girl, who shuns all this shimmer and lace is now curled up on the sofa with her nose dripping, and my boy is holding the peas tightly. I am remembering last year and the fact that whilst all this activity was going on, so too was the activity from my dad. There were a number of calls that day which had my stomach in knots and my head spinning. Why is it that I am missing that action today?

P.S. I'm the one on top in splits.

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