Seeing is believing

By hoover

Booze and Bridges

My friend Emma and I made the most of the sunny Thursday and did a tour of outdoor drinking spots. The Lounge, Toyko, Tup Tup Palace, The Bridge, a treterous walk in heels down some dark steps via a man talking to a bin, ending up down the Quayside.

My eyes were bleary but my camera captured the newly re-opened High Level Bridge, the Swing Bridge, the Tyne Bridge and the Millenium Bridge on the River Tyne.

Our late night attempts to get a curry didn't go very well and I stupidly came away without cheesy chips.

I'm very tired and hungry now, but I had a greatly needed night out. Amazing what the right combination of booze and pain killers can do.
Just don't tell my Dr I said that!

Today is the much celebrated 3rd anniversary of 'My wedding which never happened'. 6th June, D-Day : 'The day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated'. We thought it was fitting when we set the date.

Thank goodness the big day never happened. Divorces are messy and expensive and it wouldn't have lasted two seconds if I'd actually made it up the aisle.

At least I got to keep the dress and veil. They proved useful accessories for drunk women reenacting 'The Sound of Music'. After all, Maria Von Trapp (no names mentioned Emma) had to wear something for her wedding scene. :-)

With the lucky escape anniversary and Emma getting the keys to her lovely new home, I reckon another drink might be required later today...

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