Seeing is believing

By hoover

Day 4!

Dare I say it? I don't want to jinx things as I'm absolutely loving it...
We've had lovely sunny weather for four consecutive days! (ok, yesterday was rather dull, but it wasn't cold or raining)

I sunbathed in the park for several hours today, it was beautiful. The sky was so blue.

My trip to the park provided me with a bit of a surprise. Two woman were in bikinis (look to the right of the photo). I don't think I've ever seen people in bikinis in this country, so it was quite a revelation. A good one too, I'm a big fan of bikinis. I've got 40 odd of them.

In Spain etc the norm is to sunbathe topless. People, even the brits abroad, barely bat an eyelid. The reaction to the two women in bikinis was comical to say the least. Saltwell Park has 55 acres of land but the majority of men in the park suddenly seemed to be in the vicinity of the bikini women!

Fingers crossed for another nice day tomorrow. One of my bikinis might even get an airing.

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