Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Dawn Walk

5.40 am. Mrs B digs me in the ribs - "fancy a dawn walk?" Aye that will be right thinks I, kidding on I hadn't heard her and trying to get back to sleep. The thought was now racing round my mind. The forecast had been good and there could be a blip opportunity or two! Crept out of bed and looked out the window. It was still a lovely starry night with a few clouds over Arran. "OK, lets go for it" I tell her.

Anyway, we were quickly up and changed into walking gear and it was decided to try and get to the top of Cnoc nan Gabhar (known locally as Deer Hill), all 753 feet of it, before dawn, which I established was at 7.10 am. After a quick breakfast we were off with 45 minutes to get to the top.

Made it to the top for 7.15. The sun had not yet appeared as it still had to climb over Arran and the layer of clouds that covered it. From a blip point of view it was a bit disappointing as there weren't enough clouds higher in the sky to create the kind of sunrise I had hoped for. Also, there was little other than a few fir trees to create any foreground interest and no water nearby for nice reflections. Never mind, it was a great walk and an excellent start to the day.

Setted on this shot as there were at least some decent colours. The land below the clouds is the southern end of Arran.

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