Sunset on the Tay Rail Bridge

What a fine start to November. A lovely bright and clear day!

The usual morning humdrum in the office was broken by the arrival of a veritable flottila of swans (seven in total) into the Quayside. We spotted them making their way in from the sea, they had a look round and then headed back out again. However, by lunchtime they were back. They are obviously used to humans. When they spotted me on the edge of the quay pointing the camera at them, they gathered speed and headed towards me. Either that or they saw me as a tasty we snack! I did get some pictures of them but only about one of them was worth a blip.

On the way home I noticed the sun was going down quite nicely so I took a wee detour to my little vantage point in Newport. Its amazing how quickly the sun drops at this time of the year. In the 10 mins it had taken me to drive off the bridge and pull up it was nearly down completely.

Work tomorrow AND an evening class for the budding entrepreneurs :) Its going to be a LONG day.

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