Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Splendid Fellow

After taking pics of butterflies...trees...peach fuzz and lots of others I was coming home from my walk and this guy was just asking to be blipped.
I am still struggling a bit with this manual instead of auto stuff on the camera so I was lucky to get this as he wasn't sticking around for too long.
I got sent this yesterday and It really touched me so if you have the time to read.............

The quiet curve of Surrender

For so long I would not trust a life that let babies die
That poisoned the hearts of men so that they could hurt and kill
Forests burn, families separate ...
... And I remain self-righteous in my skepticism and condemnation
All my hoity excuses to remain a safe and hollow non believer
Orphaned by my own cynicism and doubt
I still do not know why babies need to die
I do know however,
that I want to ride the agonizing edge of faith
To truly believe that life will support and sustain me
That Existence longs for me to thrive
To relinquish the need for life to follow my rules
To welcome the drama, the complexities, the foolish
The contradictions, the paradox
The conflict, the futility
The illogical, the absurd
The senseless and the disgrace
To rest my cheek on the quiet curve of surrender
Concede to the mystery
Let go and let be
Live the unknown and unknowable
Rest at last
Faithful and Belonging

- Jane Pujjis

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