1st Phoenix Halloween

I didn't want to lug the D90, so I just stuck to my cellphone camera. It was a poor choice. But Bob and I had a great time trick or treating, AND my back didn't hurt, so it was a great success in my mind.

The outside of our house still looks rather forlorn. But that didn't deter the trick or treaters. In fact, when Bob and I returned from trick or treating, there seemed to be about 100 people in our yard. At 7:30 we were about out of candy ($50 worth of candy). Bob had a huge haul of candy, so he started throwing candy he didn't want in the bin, but by 7:45 it was time to close shop. Next year, I may have to increase the budget. Our next door neighbor bought $150 worth of candy and ran out about 9:15.

My favorite house was just down the street. A woman sat in the driveway next to a card table holding a huge bin of candy. The driveway was rather dark and just as we were about to leave, I figured out why. A zombie broke loose from his chains behind the parked RV. He dragged a shovel across the gravel (very noisy) and headed straight for me. I played the part of the pitiful prey - Bob looked momentarily scared until he saw my smiles. But a younger girl became inconsolable. The zombie chased me to the sidewalk in a performance well done.

And in case that made us hungry, the neighbor across the street had a sign up "Zombie Grill" - free hotdogs and hamburgers.

About halfway in to trick or treating, Bob shed his police officer jacket, saying it was too hot. But we both agreed we would take too hot over cancelled Halloween in New York (12 inches of snow and no electricity).

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