'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

An elephant never forgets!

This was designed and painted by pupils last term and greets any visitor to our school. I absolutely love it!

Three beautiful things:
1. A homemade gift - this morning I was greeted by a smiling pupil holding out something wrapped in silver foil. This turned out to be a home made fruit scone complete with jam and cream, made by him! It made a lovely dessert and was absolutely delicious!

2. Persistence - it was great to see that finally my persistence in modelling positive approaches to behaviour management is finally beginning to pay off, when a member of staff used a more positive approach and they got the response they wanted without the need for shouting! Definitely a step forward!

3. Pride - 2 children were sent to my office today to show me their work. They were just beaming with pride! It just makes your heart swell and confirm you are getting it right!

One thing to be grateful for:
They now think that my niece's brittle bones could be a milder form, and that her bones will become stronger after puberty. Such a brave little girl.

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