'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

The tree of life

This tree stands majestically in the village green opposite my school. It seems so full of life, even during this time of the year.

I can't quite put my finger on it but I am feeling rather melancholy. Can't quite seem to shake it off.

Three beautiful things:

1. Toffee Apples - as a special Bonfire Night school dinner, toffee apples were an option for dessert! It was hilarious watching the children trying to eat them whilst terrifying that we would end up with several loose teeth!

2. A walk in the light - it was great to get home early enough to have a stomp round the fields whilst there was still daylight!

3. A 1950s film - decided to just stop and flick through the channels, only to stumble across a romantic film from the 50s with an important message. Security comes from within and is about being true to yourself. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that and stop fretting about the unimportant stuff.

One thing to be grateful for:
The chance to have some space and time out.

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