A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember: Day Four

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...

Can you see the mo' yet? It's that very slightly darker area around my mouth. It looks like I've forgotten to wipe my face after eating dinner.

I passed a fellow Movemberer yesterday on the street! I could tell because his very clearly defined mo' was already in evidence. Unfortunately, unlike some men, I don't have yeti ancestry or a back I have to regularly shave so my follicles will take a little longer to show themselves. But good things come to those who wait. I hope.

Shirt: Purple tartan - yet another gift from my elder brother George! Quite a recent acquisition if I remember rightly.

Accessory: This is one of my favourite hats and I've received quite a few compliments about it. I actually bought it in the Wallasey branch of Asda but if any New Zealander asks I just say it's made by an exclusive designer called "George".

Expression: Angry.

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