Capital adventures

By marchmont

2 ear rings

After yesterday's stress (and sleepless night) I found them, as in my calmer moments I knew I would.

One on the bedroom floor behind the chest of drawers. Did I take it through and drop it there accidentally? Did I put it on top of the chest of drawers when I went to get my make up and it got pushed off? Who knows. Can't have been Molly, she can't even jump up on the coffee table, never mind the 4 foot high chest.

The other one, in the drawer where I put it for safe keeping but it had drifted to the back.

Now the red dress, the Cameo card and I must calm down. I have that little book somewhere. That's in a box, and not for today.

Edit - found the Cameo card - also where I put it for safe keeping. No progress on the red dress. It's in an orange bag, if that helps!

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