Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Me and my shadow

I was up bright and early to get more re-design proofs ready for the quarterly magazine client. They turned out quite well, and I had them to her before 9:00 am, in time for her arrival at the office and in good time for the meeting of the magazine editorial board.

With that out of the way I treated myself to some more pillow time and took it easy until well after lunch. I fully intended doing some clothes shopping today, but didn't get anything done even though I made my way in to town with best intentions. Because I was running late, I drove in rather than take DART or bus. I parked in Marlborough Street car park, which I still think is a fine piece of architecture (it won an award, as far as I'm aware). To make up for driving, I parked on the top level and took the stairs down to street level. It was on one of the landings that a sudden beam of sunlight broke through a window and projected my shadow onto the wall below. Blip dusted.

Th rest of the evening and night were spent lazily, though I did fit in a mini review of the re-design proofs and made a few notes of improvements that I could make at the next stage.

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