Day By Dave

By daybydave

Recording Day

I have a new phone. It's a smart phone. Smarter than me. But I've at least managed to take a photo with it!

This is part of the chancel at St Pauls Church in Brentford, one of the few bits of the old church that survived the fire some 20 years or so back. So, I have recorded it here.

But the second recording took place just in front of it. One of the musical societies I sing with has been asked to record a newly written nativity and some christmas carols. Today was day one of the recording, day two is tomorrow. It has been an interesting and enjoyable process although rather tiring. We did three hours today and have got up to seven hours to do tomorrow. We've made recordings before of our concerts but never a professional recording for commercial release.

Expect a blip of the finished product!

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