A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember Day Six

The mo' is taking shape and you can just see where I'm planning to extend it below my jaw line. I'm hoping to form two curves at each end of the mo' but as yet haven't attempted to shape them. I'm a bit concerned that I don't have the necessary shaving skills to pull it off - after all, I don't want to end up looking ridiculous do I?

Shirt: Another all-in-one piece that looks like a tee shirt worn over a sweatshirt. You'll never guess who gave it to me. Will definitely pick a new shirt donor tomorrow, honest!

Accessory: What would a NZ Movember be without hobbit ears? These were a gift in 2008 from my friend, and now my boss, Alison. Perhaps a slight improvement on the ones I've got?

Expression: My friend Alison, who lives in Scotland not NZ, kindly donated to the Movember fund so, in appreciation, I asked her if she had a particluar expression she'd like me to attempt. Her answer was "Glaikit", a Scots term which means "stupid, senseless, silly, foolish". You get the idea. For some reason I found this expression relatively easy to do.

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