Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Ciao Bella!

Active night at Guides, as you can see. We made pizzas and ice cream as part of our Lord Mayor's Challenge badge (more about this below).

The ice cream making is genius, well, scientific. You mix milk, sugar and vanilla essences in a plastic bag and then seal it. You then put this bag into another plastic bag and seal it again. The two bags then go into yet another plastic bag with ice and, (here's the scientific bit!) salt. You then shake it for about 10 minutes and eventually it does become ice cream. No, I don't understand it either!

The pizzas looked wonderful and very tasty, the girls took them home to cook.

The Lord Mayor's Challenge has been devised by Greater London West Guiders. The acttivities are divided into five sections: Fit for the Future, London, Lord Mayor, Greater London West and International.

The ice cream and pizza? Oh that was part of the International Section.

More about the Lord Mayor's show next Saturday!

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