Views of my world

By rosamund


Had a great today with a perfect blend of creative activities and outdoor adventures. We started the morning with a session making small lanterns from old drinks bottles and tissue paper which can safely be illuminated with led fake tea lights - the orange ones in this image. We thought about autumn and the associated sights and sounds and did some fun activities with language and music too before setting off on a glorious walk pup a hill behind the village of Capeth.

At the top of the hill we entered the forest and did some story making. The forest was absolutely beautiful as it was a glorious sunny day and you could glimpse the river Tay down below through the autumn leaves as the sun streamed through the trees. I took lots of photos and did some drawing which I used as a stimulus for our afternoon session making lanterns.

The best part of the day though was after dinner when we processed outside with our small 'lit' lanterns while Gordon illuminated the larger lanterns folk had made. It was a perfect substitute for fireworks night with all the associated oohs and aaahs as each lantern was lit creating a magnificent grotto for us to each put down our little lanterns. I made a 3d one which was illuminated indoors and featured a panel inspired by our time in the forest - I rather think this might also become a felt panel in the not too distant future too.

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