Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

One last look before I fall!

The rain came and the wind blew, in one short day the Autumn colours bled from view. No more ambers and golds rustling above our heads. Barren and naked stand the tree's along the river, forlorn and cold, shocked into sleep by the North wind.

A certain sadness fills my heart at their departure, the tree's look like they're actors who have forgotten their lines and must shuffle off the stage amid glares from the public. We watched the performance with fervent glee and then turned our backs when the show was over.

Yet... some die hards linger, bringing a rye smile like the die-ing note of a heartfelt melody, for them I stand and stare. Drinking in the embers of a once brilliant blaze, remembering the fire that they lit in my heart.

For some, leaves just fall, for me, the opera of life still goes on!

If today were your last, what would the picture in your mind be????

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