
By TrishaR

Hair Colour Day

As I drove off the busy Inveralmond Roundabout this morning I spotted a little black dog trotting between the cars. Luckily due to the volume of traffic in the morning the traffic was managing to stop and avoid hitting the wee dog. I parked the car and was walking to the main door when who was walking towards me was the little dog. It must have crossed the road again! I knelt down and it started wagging it's tail as I looked at the collar for a tel no or address. A colleague passed and called the number but there was a digit missing so couldn't connect the call:-( She offered to drive as I carried the dog to the car. The address was about 1 mile from the office, but the dog had been walking in the opposite direction so was totally lost. We arrived at the door, expecting someone frantic with worry at their little dog being missing but the first thing she said was "Ah where's he been this time"? "Someone is always bringing him home". "Well, he almost didn't get home at all as he was walking amongst the morning traffic, over a mile away" I told her. "I always open the door in the morning and let him out for 5 mins, but the gate is broken and he has started to roam a bit" she then told us. He was such a cute little lad too, Rachel, who drove really wanted to keep him as her family are looking for a dog. He would be better off with her.

This is not the first dog I have found actually. I have found a westie roaming the streets and last year I found a lab walking on a busy road. Both these owners were frantic with worry about their pets, unlike this woman.

I have also found a toddler as well. I looked out the window one afternoon in my old house, about 7 years ago and saw this little lad walking on the road (I lived in a cul-de-sac). He had no shoes on and I ran out and picked him up. I wandered down the alleyway to the next street and saw a door slightly ajar and shouted in it "have you lost a little boy". Well a mother and older child came down the stairs and their faces when they saw me with the lad!! They hadn't noticed he had gone out the door!!

Today was a typical grey overcast November day which meant the light was awful hence the not very good flower shot. Oh, and I colloured my hair tonight - goodbye greys for a month or so!

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