A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tales from my bedroom

Never fear, nothing saucy. Just turns out that when Carl is away I don't like being downstairs. For some reason, a room that feels perfectly cosy in the evening when we are both in just doesn't when it's only me. Unlike my bedroom which does. So here I am and have been since the kids' bedtime a couple of hours ago. Have my trusty electronic devices (namely, laptop and iPhone) to keep me company and provide some great entertainment. Am currently in the midst of an interesting film (The Private Lives of Pippa Lee) on iPlayer but have interrupted viewing for a quick blip break. Fortunately the camera was to hand and the nearest, most interesting object to blip was this necklace. Carl bought it for me a million years ago* when we first met. I had a very sad dream last night, too sad to write about without crying on my laptop and I still have the end of the film to watch so can't risk it. Anyway, I woke up feeling sad and wearing this today has made me a little happier. So it has a valid reason to be here beyond being within arms reach of my bed.

If I lived on my own I think I'd favour a bedsit.

Lesley x

*obviously not quite, though I did realise recently that I have known him for almost 1/3 of my life.

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