Capital adventures

By marchmont


I knew today would be mega mayhem - and it was, oh it was. After a late night/early morning e-mailing requested photos and unrequested words to M (no thanks by the way) I woke with a headache but managed my swim before facing the day.

Today's plan - windows finished, no painters, carpets laid in lounge and bedroom, start getting clothes back in the wardobe.

What happened - joiner worked on the windows for an extra day, finishing late afternoon; painters were in the kitchen and back bedroom (T approved of the daffodil yellow) and two very tall blonde Polish carpet fitters arrived and then decided that the bedroom (where the joiner was working) was a 'no go 'area. They return 'early doors' tomorrow to complete the job.

In the middle of this my sister J, back 'on holiday' from the Ardeche, arrived. We went out for a coffee at Gavin's. Talked about developments and why such things happen.

I now have a cream (or porridge, as #2 son called it) coloured carpet in the living room (no shoes allowed) and some furniture moved around, with J's help.

Tomorrow I'm off to Glasgow to get curtain material so a blip of the fireplace tile as colour match. The week-end will be spent filling wardrobes and emptying kitchen cupboards. I have absolutely no idea where everything is going to go. I'm even running out of floor space.

But good news today - #2 son (unemployed since the end of June) acquired two jobs in the one day - he's delighted, so am I. He starts tomorrow! but I still had to give him yet another material top-up tonight. Well done A.

P.S. - on the way back from choir tonight (only 3 more practices till the concert) we passed a flat which had Christmas decoration and lights up in the window - Santa and everything. It's the 9th November. Is this a world record?

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